
May 13, 2024Gail Crutchfield
Wallace State Nursing

handeville, AL -周三,5月15日是提交申请的最后期限 Wallace State Department of Nursing Education for Fall 2024 admission.

该项目为学生提供了许多途径,包括一个新的夜间选择 在汉斯维尔校区的传统副学士课程的前三个学期 学位护理(ADN)和一个新的联合招生选择与雅典州立大学 (ATSU),允许学生同时获得副学士学位和学士学位 degree.

奥内昂塔学术中心也为前三名提供护理课程 这些课程以混合形式提供. 完成传统ADN途径的前三个学期后,学生可以 参加实践护理执照考试,使他们能够作为和LPN工作 as they complete the program if they wish.

该项目继续与阿拉巴马大学联合招生 伯明翰大学允许学生同时获得副学士学位和学士学位 degree in nursing.

pg电子官网州立护理也为选定的护理人员提供学徒机会 学生从第二学期开始,有各种各样的医疗设施 in north and central Alabama participating.

Minimum application requirements are:

  • 传统的ADN/PN和流动性选择护理要求至少18到 apply, a minimum GPA of 2.0 at native institution or 2.0 cumulative at institution from which the student is transferring and 2.5 GPA for nursing required academic courses. A minimum GPA of 2.学生必须从高中开始累积5个高中 没有先前的大学课程(如果适用,将使用GED).
  • UAB/WSCC护理联合招生和联合招生流动性要求最低 ACT of 20, a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA on all college work as well as a 2.5 GPA on nursing required academic core courses. All academic courses must be completed before the application deadline. 联合招生和联合招生流动学生 must be admitted to both UAB and WSCC.
  • WSCC/ATSU护理联合招生要求至少累积2.5 GPA for all 大学课程以及最低绩点2分.5 for nursing required academic 课程作业,完成所有要求的学术课程,以及至少20分的ACT综合成绩 score of superscore (National or Residual).

有关pg电子官网州立护理计划的更多信息,请访问 o7q2.sh-fyz.com/nursing, call 256.352.8199 or email nursingapplicant@sh-fyz.com.

所有其他pg电子官网州立健康科学项目都接受秋季入学申请 2024 admission through June 1.


  • 儿童发展要求GPA至少达到2分.0, no ACT is required.
  • 牙科助理要求GPA至少为2分.3 and a minimum ACT of 16; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.
  • Dental Hygiene requires a GPA of 2.5 and a minimum ACT of 18; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.
  • Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy require a minimum ACT of 19; 2.5 GPA on pre-requisite 申请前应修完的课程.
  • 诊断医学超声要求最低GPA为2.5 and a minimum ACT of 19; 在申请前必须修完必修课程.
  • 紧急医疗服务要求学生能够注册英语101和 Math 100 courses and a minimum ACT of 17.
  • 卫生信息技术要求GPA为2.5 and minimum ACT of 17; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.
  • Medical Assistant requires a 2.0 GPA and a minimum ACT of 17; no pre-requisite courses are required.
  • Medical Laboratory Technician requires a 2.5 GPA and a minimum ACT of 18; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying; the two-semester Medical Lab Assistant option requires a 2.0 GPA, but an ACT score is not required.
  • 职业治疗助理要求GPA为2分.5 and a minimum ACT of 20; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.
  • 物理治疗师助理要求GPA为3分.0 and a minimum ACT of 20; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.
  • 多导睡眠图(睡眠实验室)技师要求2.0 GPA and a minimum ACT of 17; no pre-requisite courses are required.
  • Respiratory Therapy requires a GPA of 2.5 and a minimum ACT of 18; pre-requisite courses should be completed before applying.

学生可以申请一个以上的健康科学专业,但建议他们 apply to no more than three.

要查看健康科学部的项目,请访问 o7q2.sh-fyz.com and click on the Programs link.

夏季学期和秋季学期的注册目前正在进行中 五月二十二日开课,八月开课. 19. For more information visit o7q2.sh-fyz.com, call Lion Central at 256.352.8236 or come by the Hanceville or Oneonta campus centers. 学生可以在中心安排咨询会议 of Student Success at o7q2.sh-fyz.com/advising.


About Wallace State

Wallace State Community College (Ala.), a member of the Alabama Community College 是一所综合性社区学院,位于阿拉巴马州中北部 在学术、健康和技术方面有200多个选择 副学士学位,证书或转学,以及劳动力学分培训和 adult education. 一个实现梦想的领导者学院,由全国认可的 根据学生成绩,阿斯彭学院跻身顶尖院校之列 南方商务发展学院跻身南方人力资源机构前三名 由全国护理联盟和美国护士协会命名的卓越中心 被国家安全局评为阿拉巴马州最佳在线社区学院, 一个军事友好机构和全施坦威学校,pg电子官网州立大学是一个杰出的 学生追求他们的教育和职业目标的地方. Classes are offered 在网上和校园里,白天,晚上和周末都有,每个都有很多开始日期 year. 参观pg电子官网州立大学美丽的主校区,它位于汉斯维尔,占地300英亩, Ala.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置., find us online at o7q2.sh-fyz.com, or call 256.352.8000.

Media Contact

  • Kristen Holmes
  • 负责学生事务的副总裁兼首席营销官
  • 256-352-8233

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